beef gyro egg wrap

Did you know you can make beef gyro meat at home? I didn’t either but now that I do, I make this recipe on repeat!

beef gyro egg wrap
beef gyro egg wrap


6.75 oz / 190 g ground beef

1 egg

1/2 oz / 12g cream cheese

salt to taste


  1. preheat oven to 350F / 180C fan
  2. mix ground beef and salt with hand mixer, adding water in tablespoons as needed to form a paste
  3. smooth paste into a buttered 9x6x3 baking dish
  4. bake for 30-45 minutes until internal temperature reaches 135F / 60C
  5. once baked, cool for 15 min, wrap tightly in foil, and compress for 30 mins
  6. beat egg and softened cream cheese together
  7. fry batter in skillet, 30 seconds per side
  8. slice beef thinly and serve in wrap
  9. optional: broil sliced meat for crispier beef

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